Jesus Came as the Unblemished Lamb According to the Old Testament Sacrificial Laws [Christian Testimony 15]
First, I give thanks to God for Jesus Christ who bore all my sins through baptism and paid the price on the cross.
This is my testimony of salvation that I received after encountering the gospel of water and the Spirit.
In 2011, I was a dedicated member of ‘Jesus Living Church and Ministries International.’ As someone who loved prayer, I attended an interdenominational gathering where I met someone who was serving as a coworker of New Life Mission, and this person taught us about the gospel of water and the Spirit.
The speaker explained about circumcision related to the covenant that God made with Abraham, our father of faith, citing the Old Testament scriptures. Speaking about how God commanded Abraham to circumcise all male children, he explained the circumcision of the Old Testament and connected it to the events of the New Testament. Then, citing the biblical verse about circumcision of the heart, he explained that a true Jew is one who has received circumcision inwardly.
Circumcision is that of the heart… <Romans 2:29>
According to Colossians 2:11, he explained that circumcision means the cutting away of sin. He said that circumcision is not done by hands but by believing in Jesus’ baptism and death, and those who believe this have their sins removed forever.
In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ <Colossians 2:11>
Then, according to Leviticus 1:1–4, he explained about the Old Testament sacrificial system where sinners had to bring unblemished sacrifices. He also explained about the Day of Atonement on the tenth day of the seventh month, and how the children of Israel had their sins removed for the entire year on that day.
The speaker taught that all of this was fulfilled when God sent His Son Jesus Christ and John the Baptist, who was the last High Priest on this earth. He said that John the Baptist transferred our sins to Jesus Christ, who came as the unblemished Lamb, through the laying on of hands, and that all the sins of the world were transferred through Jesus’ baptism. And because the wages of sin is death, Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected after three days.
Jesus Christ blotted out all sins in this way.
Jesus Christ blotted out all sins in this way, and this is the Word I was taught that day. When I believed this Word, all my sins were eliminated. I give thanks to God who gave me the gospel of water and the Spirit. Amen.
Mwenda Mbewe, Zambia
I hope that you too will receive complete salvation from sin.
The New Life Mission provides Pastor Paul C. Jong’s messages of God’s Word in various languages worldwide, in both paid and free versions, as eBooks and audiobooks. Among these series, I sincerely recommend the first English volume, a collection of gospel sermons titled “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”.
This book explains in detail, based on the Word of Scripture, in a way that we can easily understand, the complete salvation message of how sins are removed through Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the law of atonement from sin according to the Old Testament sacrificial system, and through the ministry of John the Baptist, who was the last High Priest.
Like Brother Mwenda Mbewe testimony, I hope that you too will become righteous with your sins cut off like circumcision by knowing and believing in the gospel of water and the Spirit, which is the truth of the Bible.
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