
Showing posts with the label Christian Testimony

I Have Realized God's Purpose for Giving Me the Law [Christian Testimony 48]

  © 2024 Elizabeth. All rights reserved. After reading the first book, “Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” , among the many sermon books by Pastor Paul C. Jong, a servant of God from The New Life Mission, my soul overflowed with joy like a spring of water. I was a model Christian in a famous evangelical church in my country, striving to adhere to theological doctrines based on the commandments of God. I excelled in many areas such as repentance prayers, repeated fasting, utilizing the gift of language interpretation, and teaching, and through these efforts and works, I tried to gain recognition from people and God.  However, I came to despise those who were not like me, especially as time passed, and my life of faith became difficult due to the sins that tormented me. Eventually, I fell into the trap of religion and became worse than when I started. In the end, no religious argument could restore me. But then, after reading Pastor Paul C. Jong's first boo...

How a Sinner Is Born Again Once and for All Eternally Through Jesus' Baptism, Blood, and Resurrection [Christian Testimony 47]

The testimony below is from a born-again saint who read the evangelical book "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" , one of the many books written by God's servant, Pastor Paul C. Jong of The New Life Mission. If you visit The New Life Mission website, you can freely download many evangelistic books preached by Pastor Paul C. Jong in various languages. I was born into a Muslim family. From a young age, I worshiped in the Muslim way. When I was in middle school, I joined a Christian student club, and from that time on, I began to live as a Christian. As I grew as a Christian, I entered a Bible college in late 1995 to serve as a minister. After graduating, I worked as a pastor for over 20 years. At that time, even though I had sin in my heart, I thought I was born again. Whenever I committed sins, I tried to receive forgiveness emotionally through repentance prayers, efforts, and service, and although I had sin in my heart, I believed that because God is...

Do you have assurance that you are saved from all sins before God? [Christian Testimony 46]

 This testimony is from a sister who was born again after reading "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" , one of many sermon books by Pastor Paul C. Jong, a servant of God. These books can be downloaded for free in various languages from The New Life Mission's homepage.  This testimony follows a Q&A format where believers answer questions provided by The New Life Mission after reading the book. Q1: What is your view on Jesus' baptism and His death on the Cross? Jesus' baptism refers to when Jesus received baptism from John the Baptist, who was the last High Priest, a descendant of Aaron and representative of mankind, through which Jesus took and eliminated all sins of this world and all my sins. And the blood of the Cross means that Jesus came as God's Lamb, took all the sins of this world through baptism, and shed His blood on the Cross as judgment for those sins to save us from all sins.  By understanding and believing in Jesus' ...

Through faith in Jesus' baptism, blood, and the Holy Spirit, I have become a sinless child of God [Christian Testimony 45]

 The following testimony is from a brother who was reborn from a sinner to God's holy people through faith after reading "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" , one of many sermon collections by Pastor Paul C. Jong, a servant of God. These books are translated into various languages and available for free through the New Life Mission homepage. Although we want to live according to God's word, we are sinners who are born with fundamental sin from our mother's womb and cannot help but commit different types of sins until death. We are born with sin.  We are weak people who cannot help but sin because our thoughts are always evil, even though we know God's will. However, God the Father has eliminated all our sins through His Son. God the Father planned from the beginning to save us who were born with sin and were destined to go to hell after sinning until death, and to make us God’s people and live together, and to fulfill that plan, He sent H...

The Faith That God Wants from Us Is to Become Sinless by Believing in the Gospel of Water and the Spirit [Christian Testimony 44]

  The following is a testimony of a righteous person who understood and believed in the gospel of water and the Spirit through God’s servant Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon series Book 1, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” When you visit The New Life Mission website, you can freely download various sermon books by God’s servant Pastor Paul C. Jong, translated into all languages of the world, as e-books and audiobooks. The faith that God wants from us is for you to receive removal of all your sins — past, present, and future — through Jesus Christ’s ministry of salvation. Jesus, who is fundamentally God, had to come to this earth in human flesh in the lowest and most humble form to save you and me from all sins. This is despite the fact that we are the most evil and wicked beings among God’s creation. We challenge God with our thoughts and ways of life, commit blasphemy, murder, and participate in unrighteous acts. As a result, since ‘the wages of sin is death’ ,...

This is truly an amazing and perfect salvation! [Christian Testimony 43]

This is a testimony from a believer who received salvation from sin at once through faith after understanding that Jesus is God and the meaning of baptism where all sins of the world were passed onto Jesus, as well as the truth of atonement on the cross, through the sermon book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” by the servant of God, Pastor Paul C. Jong of The New Life Mission. Dear brothers and sisters around the world, Happy New Year. Nowadays, through The New Life Mission website, where e-books and audiobooks translated into languages from around the world are provided free of charge, we can see that the gospel of water and the Spirit is reaching more and more people. As internet technology advances, the world is becoming increasingly integrated. Therefore, spreading the gospel of water and the Spirit to everyone through the internet is becoming more and more seamless. We must take advantage of this golden opportunity. Those who believe that Jesus is God and...

Are you a sinless Christian or a Christian who is a sinner? [Christian Testimony 42]

I am grateful to have learned about the Law of God. righteousness, which saved me from all sins at once, through the Christian book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” by Pastor Paul C. Jong, available for free download on The New Life Mission website, and this testimony was written with gratitude for the salvation I received through the understanding of God’s righteousness. If I were to preach the truth of salvation to the spiritually lost sheep, I would speak of the gospel of water and the Spirit. The gospel of water and the Spirit is accomplished through Jesus being God, receiving baptism from John the Baptist, His death on the cross, and His resurrection. And I believe this is the only truth by which I can receive the removal of sins. I believe that Jesus has set me free from the sins of the world forever. Jesus has made me perfect forever through the baptism He was baptized with by John the Baptist and the blood He shed on the cross. To be free from sin, you...

Through This Sermon Book, I Realized How to Be Born Again by Faith [Christian Testimony 41]

  he following is a testimony from a believer who read Book 1 of Pastor Paul C. Jong’s book series written for Christians, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” from The New Life Mission website. Q1: What is your understanding of the baptism of Jesus and His death on the Cross? Jesus’ baptism is like the laying on of hands in the New Testament. It is the baptism through which our sins were transferred. His death on the cross symbolizes the sacrifice for sin and paid the price for our sins. Q2: Do you have sin? I was born as a fundamental sinner and had sin. And due to my weakness and insufficiency, I commit sins throughout my life from birth until death. However, because I have been made righteous by believing in the gospel of Jesus’ water, blood, and the Spirit, I can never be a sinner again. This is because Jesus has already eliminated all the sins I commit throughout my life through water, blood, and the Spirit. Q3: How do you resolve the issue of future sin...