How a Sinner Is Born Again Once and for All Eternally Through Jesus' Baptism, Blood, and Resurrection [Christian Testimony 47]
The testimony below is from a born-again saint who read the evangelical book "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?", one of the many books written by God's servant, Pastor Paul C. Jong of The New Life Mission.
If you visit The New Life Mission website, you can freely download many evangelistic books preached by Pastor Paul C. Jong in various languages.
I was born into a Muslim family. From a young age, I worshiped in the Muslim way. When I was in middle school, I joined a Christian student club, and from that time on, I began to live as a Christian. As I grew as a Christian, I entered a Bible college in late 1995 to serve as a minister. After graduating, I worked as a pastor for over 20 years.
At that time, even though I had sin in my heart, I thought I was born again.
Whenever I committed sins, I tried to receive forgiveness emotionally through repentance prayers, efforts, and service, and although I had sin in my heart, I believed that because God is love, He would impute me as sinless. Until 2015, I knew nothing about the gospel of water and the Spirit.
I only believed in the blood of the Cross, without knowing the meaning of His baptism.
Jesus received baptism, which is the same as the laying on of hands, from John the Baptist who represented humanity, that is, who represented me, to take over all the sins of this world to eliminate all sins of the world.
One day, I happened to discover The New Life Mission on the internet, which provides free Bible materials. And I received Pastor Paul C. Jong book "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?"
After reading this book, my understanding of my life and my faith changed!
Now I fully believe and understand how a person can truly be saved before God and how to be born again.
By believing in the gospel of water and the Spirit, I can now live as one whose heart is as white as snow, without sin.
And now, I am also sharing this truth of salvation with others. I am truly grateful to Jesus for leading me to find and believe in this truth. I am also thankful to The New Life Mission!
My old faith was based on the belief that only the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ—in other words, only His blood—could save me and grant me the salvation I hoped for.
At that time, I omitted the true gospel of water (Jesus' baptism), which teaches that John the Baptist transferred all the sins of the world to Jesus by baptizing Him, and that Jesus took them all away. Instead, I only believed in the divinity of Jesus and in His death and resurrection as the gospel of salvation.
Because I only believed in the common message preached by gospel preachers about the blood of the Cross, I had no evidence of being born again.
Deep in my heart, sin still remained, and I lived in sin.
Now, by believing that Jesus is God and that His baptism, the blood of the Cross, and His resurrection are the gospel of salvation that has removed my sins, I have been born again as a child of God, with no sin in my heart.
I have come to believe that as the last High Priest and my representative, John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ, transferring the sins of the world—including all my past, present, and future sins—once and for all to Him. And by believing that Jesus, who received all my sins through His baptism, was judged for them once and for all on the Cross, I have now been born again as an eternal child of God, without sin.
Now I believe that Jesus, who is God, came as God's Lamb, to save me from sin, and made me born again as a sinless child of God once and for all eternally through His baptism, blood, and resurrection. Hallelujah!
Now I know and believe that no one can be saved or born again without faith in the gospel of water and the Spirit!
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Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon books, which accurately expound God’s Word based on the Bible, are available as paperbacks on Amazon. If you would like to explore the content more deeply, you can purchase and own these books on Amazon through the link below.
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