Can you enter the kingdom of God as a righteous person without Sin? [Christian Testimony 7]
What does it mean to be born again of water and the Spirit?
Why do people not pay attention to Jesus' words in John 3:5, where He told Nicodemus, "Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God"?
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." <John 3:5>
Many people wrongly think that 'water' means their 'formal water baptism' and 'Holy Spirit' means their own 'spirit'. And they think being born again means receiving water baptism.
Don't you know what Jesus declared in Matthew 7:21-23?
There are people who call Jesus "Lord, Lord" and received water baptism but cannot enter His kingdom because they practiced lawlessness.
"And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" <Matthew 7:23>
To practice lawlessness means to have sin by not believing in the ministry of Jesus Christ's baptism that blotted out sin, His death and resurrection - that is, the ministry of Jesus Christ who, as God's Lamb, completed and fulfilled all the law.
Many Christians are trapped in a religion that merely idolizes Christ's cross and resurrection, trying to enter God's kingdom by climbing over the wall instead of entering through the door. Only thieves try to climb over the wall instead of entering through the door. But even now, there are many spiritual robbers and thieves who cannot enter His kingdom.
Whoever wants to enter His kingdom must enter through the door of Jesus Christ's baptism, and as Jesus declared in John 3:5, must be born again of water and the Spirit to become His child.
The water Jesus spoke of is not our formal baptism but Jesus' baptism, that is, Jesus' baptism where He took over the sins of the world from John the Baptist,
and the Spirit means that Jesus Christ is God,
and coming to the Father means entering the kingdom of God, that is, heaven, as a righteous person without sin by believing in this gospel of water and the Spirit.
Therefore, faith for salvation means becoming one without sin in heart by believing, starting from Jesus Christ's baptism to His death and resurrection.
Believe in Jesus Christ's baptism, death, and resurrection, which is God's ultimate righteousness. Seek His kingdom and His righteousness.
Jesus became God's Lamb who carries away all the sins of the world by receiving baptism from John in the Jordan River. And He died on the cross to pay the wages of all sins, and rose from death after three days.
Thus He fulfilled the Law of God and completed the law of salvation.
Jesus Christ is the only way for us to go to the kingdom of God.
Tashi Rai, Bhutan (41, male)
How about you? Can you also enter heaven?
Do you think you can enter heaven because you don't sin, or through repentance prayers, or because God is love and will forgive you even if you have sin?
God has given us the law of death and the law of salvation.
We are weak and evil, and absolutely bound to go to hell before the law. Therefore, God blotted out all the sins of the world through Jesus Christ's ministry and gave complete salvation to all who believe.
Therefore, we all must become those who go to heaven through faith.
What? How?
Do you also want to enter heaven by believing in the law of salvation?
If so, I strongly recommend reading Volume 1, "Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?", from Pastor Paul C. Jong's sermon book series of The New Life Mission which spreads the gospel in languages throughout the world. This book clearly delivers according to the biblical words and leads you to salvation through faith.
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