Are You Truly Believing the Gospel According to What Is Written in the Bible? [Christian Testimony 39]
The Gospel Written in the Bible |
The following testimony is from a believer who was born again in faith after reading Book 1 “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” from the sermon series by Pastor Paul C. Jong, servant of God of The New Life Mission.
We must understand that both men and women are born as sinners with sin from the moment they are conceived in their mother’s womb.
Therefore, we are separated from God by sin. In other words, human beings are destined for hell even before being born into this world.
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)
The Bible says in John 3:3, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
However, most people think that ‘being born again’ means ‘believing in Jesus, abandoning sinful life, striving under the law, repenting, and living a virtuous life’.
But the Bible tells us that we must “be born again of Water and the Spirit,” which means that “sinners” must see themselves reflected in the Law, that is, “the commandments,” and truly realize before God that they are sinners destined for hell. They must understand that they cannot fulfill the law and therefore deserve absolutely nothing but death.
If you don’t know your sin, if you say you have no sin, how can you obtain salvation from sin?
Only when you recognize that you are a sinner destined for hell can you be granted the elimination of sins and become a righteous person born again through faith in Jesus Christ’s work of salvation: the water (baptism), the blood, and the Spirit (that Jesus is God). (1 John 5:6–8)
Jesus came to this earth with Water, Blood, and Spirit.
He was born from the body of the virgin Mary, took on human flesh, and when He became 30 years old, He was baptized by “John the Baptist” in the Jordan River.
The works of Salvation that make us “Born Again” began with His Baptism (washing away the sins of the world in the Jordan River), then being judged and sacrificed on the Cross, shedding His precious blood, and rising again on the third day, conquering sin and death.
Jesus’ death on the Cross for our sins is closely related to the event of His Baptism.
Jesus came to this earth in flesh to be the final sacrifice for all sins of humanity, and when He was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River (which was a form of laying on of hands as was done in the Old Testament), it was the beginning of the Saving Work, for it was there that Jesus took upon Himself all the past, present, and future sins of humanity to later pay for them on the Cross with His death.
Without Jesus’ baptism, His death on the Cross would have been meaningless.
In Jesus’ Baptism is hidden the ministry of “washing away sins.” If you continue to deny and ignore the truth of Jesus’ baptism and don’t believe, then you would be betraying God’s will by abandoning your Salvation.
The free Christian books by Pastor Paul C. Jong of The New Life Mission provide a clear explanation of the standard of your Salvation, based on deep and solid biblical foundations, addressing basic concepts of how you can be born again of water and spirit.
We invite you to visit the following websites and request completely free materials:
May God allow you to know the truth of the gospel.
— María Torres, Peru
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