As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103) [Christian Testimony 35]
Now I believe in Jesus’ baptism. I am free and happy. |
Jesus was baptized to take away all our sins — that is, all our past, present, and future sins.
Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb who took away all our sins.
In the Old Testament, they had to sacrifice an animal every time they sinned. But now we just have to believe in Him who saved us from all sins through His baptism in the Jordan River where He received all the sins of the world from John the Baptist, and through His death on the cross where He shed His blood as the price of sin, and through His resurrection.
Therefore, I have no sin because I believe in this gospel of the water and the Spirit.
Because Jesus took away my past and future sins through His baptism, death, and resurrection.
I cannot solve my sins through my own works.
I believe that Jesus’ baptism took away all my sins. All my past, present, and future sins were washed away by Jesus’ baptism, death, and resurrection. And I solve my continuing trespasses and sins by continuing to believe this because that’s what Scripture says.
I had sin before believing in this gospel of the water and the Spirit.
This was because I thought I had to cleanse myself through my own works and repentance prayers. I thought my sins would be washed away by my repentance prayers and works. I had sin even though I believed in Jesus because I was mistakenly thinking my good works would clean my sinful nature.
But now I am free and happy.
Because now I know that Jesus took my sins away forever, as far as the east is from the west. I am free from sin. According to the Bible which I believe, I have no sin because Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River to take away my sins — past, present and future sins.
Look, Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb who took away all my sins.
Now I believe in Jesus’ baptism. I am free and happy. The Devil, the accuser, cannot point to my sins because Jesus took them all away through the water (baptism), blood, and the Spirit.
I was born again as a righteous person without sin after receiving Pastor Paul C. Jong’s free mission booklet “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” from The New Life Mission. Now I want to become a book distributor because I want to deliver this amazing gospel of salvation through the water and Spirit to millions. We still have daylight. We need to reach millions with the gospel of the water and Spirit before it’s night, where we cannot work.
Many are being deceived by wrong doctrines that tell them they have to offer money or long prayers, fasting and doing good human works to clean their sins away. But the gospel of the Water and Spirit tells us to understand why Jesus was baptized, crucified, and resurrected: to take away all our sins — past, present and future sins.
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