Despite Believing in Jesus, My Sins Still Remained in My Heart [Christian Testimony 19]
Jesus’ baptism is where He takes all the sins of the world when He is baptized by John (Matthew 3:15), and His death on the cross is where He is judged for the sins of the world by shedding His precious blood.
But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him.
I am without sin not because of works but only because of Jesus’ righteousness.
I believe He blotted out all my lifetime sins through His baptism, death, and resurrection.
We, as human beings, commit sins from the very moment we are born until we die. This is due to our fundamental nature. I acknowledge my sinful nature and confess even the smallest sins, and I have been able to solve the problem of my daily and future sins by believing in the truth that Jesus took these sins when He was baptized by John the Baptist, paid the price on the Cross, and was resurrected.
Before believing in the gospel of water and Spirit, though I believed in Jesus, my sins still remained in my heart because I only believed in Jesus’ blood.
In the Old Testament, to atone for sins, one had to first bring a lamb without blemish, transfer sins through the laying on of hands, and receive atonement through the death of the sacrifice that had received the sins. Likewise, I must transfer my sins to Jesus Christ by believing that John the Baptist, representing mankind, passed all the sins of the world to Jesus, and consequently, He had to pay the price (Leviticus 4:27).
My faith now in the gospel of water and Spirit is different from my previous faith because I believe in Jesus’ righteousness, that He took all the sins of the world through His baptism, death, and resurrection (John 3:5). Until recently, I believed I was saved only by the blood of Jesus on the Cross, not knowing about His baptism. As a result, without the baptism, the death of the Lamb would have been in vain.
I thank God for letting me encounter this truth and giving my heart peace and rest through faith.
I truly thank God for clearly showing the true gospel through Pastor Paul C. Jong’s book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”, and I pray for God’s blessing upon Pastor Paul C. Jong of The New Life Mission. Through his book of sermons “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”, Pastor Paul C. Jong clearly showed through the Bible how our sins were passed on to Jesus, and he has given me faith that sin is no longer a problem in my life.
I am no longer a sinner now.
This is because Jesus took all my sins upon Himself through John’s baptism, died in my place, and was resurrected. Jesus is truly 100% God.
I have now received eternal elimination of sins through God’s law of salvation. Therefore, I can now stand before God and call myself His child.
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