Aren’t We Like Those Who Were Robbed, Never Able to Receive Salvation Through Our Own Efforts? [Christian Testimony 18]

 The truth of the gospel of water and Spirit hit me like an atomic bomb, and I saw the light of my salvation.

I received genuine true salvation, which freed me from my old salvation that I tried to achieve through my own righteous works, when I read Book 1 in English, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” from The New Life Mission Pastor Paul C. Jong’s book series.

My efforts for my old salvation were truly frustrating.

The result was that I had no faith that He took away all my sins because I relied only on the blood of Jesus. This made me live as a sinner, repenting and confessing my sins every day. This was even more endlessly painful as I had to live in constant fear of hell.

Then in 2015, when I read the book I mentioned earlier, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”, the gospel of true salvation reached my heart through my ears. Although I believed in Pastor Paul C. Jong’s written sermons, my carnal thoughts and religious beliefs from my old faith still stood as stumbling blocks between me and the ‘truth of the gospel of water and Spirit’ that I read, and as a result, I remained in worldly Christianity for a long time.

Nevertheless, God truly made me understand the ‘truth of the gospel of water and Spirit’ which was preached in his books by Pastor Paul C. Jong and confirmed by the Bible confirmed. I ordered several of Pastor Paul C. Jong’s books and read them diligently, and while studying the Bible, I came to know that what he said was right. However, I still had thoughts in my heart like ‘How could this person know greater truth than great faith leaders like Billy Graham?’, and this thought blinded my eyes from believing in the true gospel. These thoughts kept me from believing in the true gospel, and as a result, I suffered much pain in the hands of false teachers and preachers like ‘The Life Word Mission’ and ‘Good News Mission’.

But this year, 2024, I thank God who made me born again and receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

God led me to look again at Pastor Paul C. Jong’s books that were on my bookshelf. At that time, I was staying lonely at home, having stopped attending church because the religious churches of the world could neither satisfy my spiritual thirst nor answer my spiritual questions.

The truth of the gospel of water and Spirit hit me like an atomic bomb, and I saw the light of my salvation.

As I reviewed Spiritual Growth Series Books 1 and 3 and the sermons on Genesis 1, the truth of the gospel of water and Spirit hit me like an atomic bomb, and I saw the light of my salvation. I properly understood how all my sins were transferred to Jesus through John the Baptist’s baptism, according to God’s ordained sacrificial law of laying on of hands in the Old Testament.

Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world, including all my sins, when He was baptized, went to the cross with them, shed His blood to atone for all the sins in my heart, and thereby fulfilled all righteousness, declaring me righteous forever.

This truth truly set me free, and the joy in my heart is inexpressible.

Now I shout to the whole world that I am finally free… that I am born again. And this is the gospel that I will preach to all nations, starting with my own country. I can never turn away from this great salvation now.

John Mugambwa, Kenya (46, male)

Dear friends, we can never be saved by our own goodness or by our own efforts to avoid sin.

God has given the law of faith that leads to salvation to those who acknowledge that they are bound for hell under the law.

The book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” by Pastor Paul C. Jong, which The New Life Mission translates and distributes in multiple languages worldwide both for free and for purchase, guides you to become a holy child of God without sin through faith by explaining in detail the law of faith that leads to salvation as recorded in the Bible.

English 1

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For your true salvation,

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