Do You Know the Meaning of Why Jesus Was Baptized? [Christian Testimony 36]


Though I cannot help but sin, Jesus knew that I was bound to sin and, from His side, took away all my sins once and for all.

When Jesus was Baptized, all our past, present, and future sins were passed to Jesus by John the Baptist. This was the true image of what was happening in the Old Testament, where the high priest would pass all the sins of the Israelites to the sacrificial animal through laying on of hands. John the Baptist, the last high priest descended from Aaron, passed all the sins of the world to Jesus, who came as the Lamb of God, through baptism, thus taking away all the sins of the world.

Now, I am without sin because I believe that Jesus took away all my past, present, and future sins when He was baptized.

Repentance is not asking for forgiveness of each sin but turning to the Word of God.

Though I cannot help but sin, Jesus knew that I was bound to sin and, from His side, took away all my sins once and for all. So what I do to resolve my present and future sins is to return to God through faith in the gospel of the water, blood, and the Spirit, which tells me that Jesus took away all my past, present, and future sins.

Before believing in the Gospel of Water and Spirit, I had sin in my heart even though I believed in Jesus.

This was because I did not understand the true meaning of Jesus’ Baptism. I did not know before that He was baptized to take away all my sins.

The difference between my faith before and after hearing the gospel of the Water and Spirit preached in Volume 1 of Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon series, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” from The New Life Mission, is that my faith is now truly stable. Before, my faith kept changing; if I did good, I would feel as if God was together with me, and if I did bad, I would feel as if God was not together with me. I used to pray with tears of repentance every day for my sins, asking God to give me a good end. But from the time I believed in the Gospel of Water and Spirit, I came to realize that all my sins were already blotted out and that I will go to heaven.

I am thankful to God for giving us the true Gospel through which we can be saved from all our sins.

I am also grateful to The New Life Mission for guiding me to the path of salvation through Pastor Paul C. Jong’s evangelistic book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”

Now, I too will spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit, which is God’s will, to as many people as possible so that others may also receive salvation.

Emmanuel Ndayishimiye, Burundi

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