I Always Had This Question in My Heart: 'Will I Go to Heaven?’ [Christian Testimony 38]


This is a salvation testimony from Brother Jean-Claude Ndikumana (Burundi) who was born again by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit after reading “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”, the first volume of Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon series which has been translated into many languages worldwide and is available as a free download.

I always had this question in my heart “Will I go to Heaven?”

Q: What is your understanding of the baptism of Jesus and His death on the Cross?

A: Jesus’ baptism is like the laying on of hands in the Old Testament, where Jesus, who came as the Lamb, the sacrificial offering, took away all the sins of humanity through His baptism. His Cross signifies that Jesus was judged in our place instead of us having to die for our sins.

Q: Do you have sin?
A: I am definitely without sin.

Q: How do you solve the problem of sins you will commit in the future?

A: Because Jesus, who is God, took away all sins of the past, present, and future through His baptism and was judged for all those sins on the Cross, I am consequently without sin.

For the sins that I commit due to my physical insufficiency and weakness, I only need to acknowledge them before God’s Law and believe through faith in the gospel of the water, blood, and the Spirit — through which all these sins were already transferred to Jesus when He was baptized and were eliminated by His bloodshed on the Cross.

Since all the sins I commit from birth until death have already been blotted out through my faith in Jesus’ work of salvation, I no longer ask for forgiveness of my sins.

Q: Did you have sins before believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit? If you did, what was the reason why you had sin in your heart even though you believed in Jesus Christ?

A: Before believing in the Gospel of water and the Spirit, I always had sin in my heart. The reason was that I did not believe in (did not know) Jesus’ baptism as His work of salvation that liberates us from sin.

Q: Please explain how your faith now is different from the faith you had before hearing the gospel of the water and the Spirit preached by the New Life Mission.

A: Before hearing the beautiful Gospel of water and the Spirit, I tried to achieve holiness by my own strength, but whatever I did, no effort could achieve righteousness.

I always had this question in my heart “Will I go to Heaven?” Then, through Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”, I learned and understood the gospel of water and the Spirit, and came to know and believe that I am fundamentally a mass of sin and that only Jesus’ baptism and Cross can justify me.

Additional Comments:

Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” helps people to understand and leads them to faith so that they can be saved. I am truly thankful to God and the New Life Mission.

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