I Was Born with 12 Kinds of Sins and My Fundamental Nature Could Not Help But Sin, Thus I Was Destined for Hell. [Christian Testimony 29]


Born with fundamental 12 kinds of sins and bound under God's Law as sinners, we are all servants of evil who can never be saved from sin without the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

thank God for letting me know about salvation through Jesus’ baptism, death, and resurrection through Pastor Paul C. Jong’s Book 1, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”

O Lord, O Lord, how excellent is your name that is above all names.

Through the power of Jesus’ name, we have obtained a sinless eternal new life. Yes.

Lord, through your righteous act of baptism which you received from John the Baptist to bear all the sins of the world, and through your death on the Cross shedding your blood to pay the wages of all the world’s sins you took through baptism, and through your resurrection, we have obtained eternal new life, that is, a life without sin.

What are we as human beings?

We are born as corrupted sinners with 12 kinds of sins in our hearts, and therefore our destiny is to go to hell without any resistance. O Lord, if you call us sinners we are definitely sinners, and if you call us righteous, then we are certainly righteous.

O Lord our God, how can we reject your word?

We are merely your creatures, and we only need to admit before you that we are sinners bound for hell and believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit through which you loved us and eliminated all our sins from your side.

Thus, I admit that I am born sinful according to your word of the Law.

I am sinful not only because I have committed sins according to your Law, but because I inherited sin from my ancestors Adam and Eve and was born as a sinner. But now O Lord, I boldly confess that I am righteous. Yes, I am righteous not because I have not committed sin, or because I have offered anything of my own to become sinless. I am righteous because after realizing that I was born a sinner who could not help but sin before you, I believed in the word of water and the Spirit, the only way you provided for salvation from all sins.

Jesus eliminated all my sins through His baptism which He received from John the Baptist, who was the last high priest on earth and the representative of mankind. John the Baptist, as the last high priest, passed all the sins of the world onto Jesus’ righteous body through baptism, and you humbly accepted them.

Because of all the world’s sins transferred through baptism from John the Baptist, you vicariously suffered on the cross, and as John 19:30 confirms it all, you completely eliminated my sins by shedding your precious blood to pay for all the world’s sins. Then you rose again on the third day to give believers new life in you. This new life is a life completely without sin, not even a trace of sin remains in my heart. Because you swept away all the sins of my life through your baptism, death, and resurrection, I have received new life to live eternally with you in heaven.

‘…He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.’ <John 19:30>

To me, who was bound for hell as a sinner despite believing in the Lord but lacking knowledge of Him, the Lord made me encounter Pastor Paul C. Jong’s book from The New Life Mission, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” and opened my eyes. O Lord, I truly thank you.

OOOOOO Tembo, Zambia

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