
Showing posts from February, 2025

The One Who Overcame the World and Satan is Jesus Christ [Bible Study 15]

© 2024 Elizabeth. All rights reserved. All humanity is fundamentally born with sin and cannot help but sin until death, and was destined for hell, unable to overcome the world by their own will.  However, through Jesus Christ's redemption of water, blood, and the Spirit, we who believe have been made into those who overcome the world and Satan. I hope that you too will accurately know and believe the gospel message of Jesus's water and the Spirit, and through Jesus become one who overcomes the world and Satan. The text below is a portion of Pastor Paul C. Jong's first sermon collection,  "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" By visiting The New Life Mission website, you can freely download numerous sermon books by God's servant Pastor Paul C. Jong in various languages as e-books, audiobooks, and bilingual books. Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit? In 1 John 5:5-6, “Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes ...

Jesus said that those who do the Father's will shall enter the kingdom of heaven, so what is God's will? [Christian Sermons 14]

This article summarizes the Sunday sermon of Pastor Paul C. Jong, the servant of God at The New Life Mission. You can visit The New Life Mission website to download Pastor Paul C. Jong's sermons in various languages as e-books, audiobooks, and bilingual formats for free. © 2024 Elizabeth. All rights reserved. Let's look at today's scripture. Matthew 7:21, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." Looking at the scripture verses preceding our main text, Jesus spoke about false prophets and said to enter through the narrow gate. The main text states that to enter the kingdom of heaven, one must do the will of My Father in heaven. Who are those who do the Father's will? When people hear that they must do the Father's will, they think they must do something themselves. Many people think they need to do something on their part, such as living righteously before the Lo...

All Christians Must Return to the Gospel of Water and the Holy Spirit [Bible Study 14]

The following text is excerpted from  "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" , the first sermon book by Pastor Paul C. Jong, the servant of God at The New Life Mission. You can freely download Pastor Paul C. Jong's sermon books in various formats including e-books, audiobooks, and bilingual books by visiting The New Life Mission website. © 2024 Elizabeth. All rights reserved. Question : Could you give me an explanation of the Gospel of the water and the Spirit?  Answer: If we had lost a needle somewhere outside, we would probably be looking for it in the area where we lost it. However, it sounds absolutely absurd to try to find it inside the house simply because it is brighter inside. I find some absurd people like that in today’s churches. While they’re easily involved in the midst of endless biblical controversies about the water baptism of believers, they never ask themselves this important question, “Why was Jesus baptized by John the Baptist?” Due...

Why Was Jesus Baptized by John the Baptist at the Jordan River? [Christian Sermons 13]

 The following text is excerpted from  "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" , the first book among many sermon books by Pastor Paul C. Jong, a servant of God at The New Life Mission. You can visit The New Life Mission website to freely download numerous books by Pastor Paul C. Jong in multiple languages as e-books, audiobooks, and bilingual books. © 2024 Elizabeth. All rights reserved. Now, it is written in Matthew 3, ‘Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. And John tried to prevent Him, saying, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness”’ (Matthew 3:13-15). We have to know and understand why Jesus was baptized when He was 30. He was baptized to atone for the sins of all people and to fulfill all the righteousness of God.  To save all people from their sins, Jesus Christ, the One with...

Why Did Jesus Wash Peter's Feet Before Being Judged on the Cross? [Bible Study 13]

Why did Jesus wash the feet of Peter and His disciples on the day before Passover, before going to the Cross?  Because He knew His disciples' weaknesses, and He washed their feet to teach them that all their sins, past, present, and future, had already been washed away, so that sin could not come between Jesus and His disciples after He ascended to heaven. © 2024 Elizabeth. All rights reserved. The following text is excerpted from  "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" , the first sermon book by Pastor Paul C. Jong of The New Life Mission.  You can visit The New Life Mission website to freely download various sermon books by Pastor Paul C. Jong in different languages, including e-books, audiobooks, and bilingual books. Jesus knew well that after He was crucified, was resurrected, and went up to heaven, the devil and the purveyors of the untrue faith would come and try to deceive the disciples.  We can see by the testimony of Peter, “You are the C...

True repentance is turning back to believe in the truth of salvation by acknowledging that we are sinners bound for hell [Christian Sermons 12]

 The following text is an excerpt from  "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" , the first book among many sermon collections by Pastor Paul C. Jong, a servant of God at The New Life Mission. You can visit The New Life Mission's website to freely download Pastor Paul C. Jong's numerous sermon collections in various languages as e-books, audiobooks, and bilingual books. © 2024 Elizabeth. All rights reserved. When one who has drifted away from God realizes their sins, and thanks Jesus for washing them away, and comes back to God, this is called repentance.  All of us are lumps of sin.  True repentance is to admit the following truth. We must admit that we are sinners before God, and that we cannot but sin all our lives and go to hell when we die. We must also admit that we have to receive Jesus by believing that He came to this world to save sinners like us, and that He took away all sins (through His baptism) and died and was resurrected to save us...

We must know exactly the meaning of the baptism with which Jesus was baptized [Bible Study 12]

  © 2024 Elizabeth. All rights reserved. The following text is excerpted from the book  "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" , the first published book among the sermon collections of Pastor Paul C. Jong, God’s servant representing The New Life Mission. If you want to learn more accurately about the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit, please visit The New Life Mission website . On The New Life Mission website, you can freely download Pastor Paul C. Jong’s numerous biblical sermon books in various languages as e-books, audiobooks, and bilingual books. • Baptism Baptism means ① to be washed ② to be buried (to be immersed) and in spiritual meaning, ③ to pass on sin by the laying on of hands, as done in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist was to wash away all the sins of the world. ‘The baptism of Jesus’ has the meaning of taking away the sins of man, to wash away the sins of the world. Jesus was ...