We must know exactly the meaning of the baptism with which Jesus was baptized [Bible Study 12]


Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, the representative of all human beings and the high priest in the tradition of Aaron, and took all the sins of the world upon Himself. This was the purpose of His baptism.
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The following text is excerpted from the book "Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?", the first published book among the sermon collections of Pastor Paul C. Jong, God’s servant representing The New Life Mission.

If you want to learn more accurately about the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit, please visit The New Life Mission website. On The New Life Mission website, you can freely download Pastor Paul C. Jong’s numerous biblical sermon books in various languages as e-books, audiobooks, and bilingual books.

If you want to learn more accurately about the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit, please visit The New Life Mission website.

• Baptism

Baptism means ① to be washed ② to be buried (to be immersed) and in spiritual meaning, ③ to pass on sin by the laying on of hands, as done in the Old Testament.

In the New Testament, the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist was to wash away all the sins of the world. ‘The baptism of Jesus’ has the meaning of taking away the sins of man, to wash away the sins of the world.

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, the representative of all human beings and the high priest in the tradition of Aaron, and took all the sins of the world upon Himself. This was the purpose of His baptism.

The spiritual meaning of the word ‘baptism’ is ‘to pass on, to be buried’. So, “the baptism of Jesus” means that all sins were passed onto Jesus and that He was judged instead of us. In order to save mankind, Jesus had to take away our sins and die for us.

Thus, His death is also the death of you and me, all the sinners of the world, and His resurrection the resurrection of all people.

His sacrifice is the salvation of sinners, and His baptism is the testimony to washing away all the sins of humankind.

The Bible tells us, “There is also an antitype which now saves us — baptism” (1 Peter 3:21). The baptism of Jesus is the righteous way of saving humanity by washing away all our sins.

Now, you can understand Matthew 3:15 where it says, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Here, “for thus” means that Jesus Himself bore all the sins of the world by being baptized by John the Baptist, the representative of all humankind.

It was the profound plan of God to save us from the inevitable trap of sin.

The Lord God “has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6) and has granted us His righteousness. “Righteousness” here means “Δικαιοσύνη (Dikaiosynē)” in Greek, which also signifies “fairness and justice”. It tells us that Jesus bore the iniquity of all humankind in the most fair and just way by being baptized in the form of the laying on of hands.

Jesus, who is God, came to this earth in the flesh as the High Priest of Heaven to save us.

Then, when He turned 30, the age at which He could perform the duties of High Priest, He began His public ministry, and He, the Lamb of God, was baptized by John the Baptist, who was the representative of mankind and the last High Priest. Through this baptism, which was like the laying on of hands in the Old Testament, all the sins of this world were transferred to Jesus, and He washed away all the sins of the world.

Believe in the truth of the baptism of remission of sin that Jesus received for us.

We are born with sin and cannot help but live committing sins until death, destined for hell. Only by believing in both Jesus’ baptism and His blood on the Cross, which eliminated all our sins, can we be born again as holy children of God without sin.

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If you would like to read more of Rev. Paul C. Jong's sermon books, please download free e-books and audiobooks (PDF, EPUB) translated into various languages from around the world at our The New Life Mission official website. 

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Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon books, which accurately expound God’s Word based on the Bible, are available as paperbacks on Amazon. If you would like to explore the content more deeply, you can purchase and own these books on Amazon through the link below.



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