Why did John the Baptist baptize Jesus? [Christian Testimony 9]


It is wrong to believe only in the blood of the cross without believing in the baptism that Jesus Christ was baptized through John the Baptist, the last High Priest — that is, the gospel of water and the Spirit.

For me, ‘the baptism of Jesus Christ’ means the redemption of our past, present, and future sins.

Indeed, through Jesus Christ being baptized with water and the Spirit, He took upon Himself all our sins.

Our God established a covenant in Genesis 3:15, and that covenant was to save all sinners. God said that through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice by water and the Spirit, all humanity would be saved from sin. And when the time came, He sent our Savior Jesus among us.

As we can see in Matthew 3:15, we can clearly see that John the Baptist transferred all the sins of the world to Jesus Christ through baptism.

‘But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him’ <Matthew 3:15>.

After that, Jesus Christ was crucified and died shedding His blood, eliminating all the sins of the world, including my sins, once and for all. Therefore, it is wrong to believe only in the blood of the cross without believing in the baptism that Jesus Christ was baptized through John the Baptist, the last High Priest — that is, the gospel of water and the Spirit.

I had sin before knowing and believing in the gospel of water and the Spirit!

The reason I had sin in my heart was because I lived in ignorance. I had never clearly heard of, and had absolutely never heard about the baptism that John the Baptist gave to Jesus — the gospel of water and the Spirit. Although Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” <John 8:32>, I was living in this ignorance and false gospel.

I have no sin now.

Jesus Christ removed all sins that tormented me without exception. Original sin, present sins, and even future sins were washed away through His baptism. I came to know the redemption through His baptism of water and the Spirit, and I believe that Jesus has redeemed me.

Regarding solving my present and future sins in my life of faith going forward…

The prophet Isaiah prophesied:

“Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her,
That her warfare is ended,
That her iniquity is pardoned;
For she has received from the Lord’s hand
Double for all her sins.” <Isaiah 40:2>.

Therefore, I have firm conviction and faith that knowing and believing in the redemption of Jesus Christ’s baptism has already set me free from all these sins. Thus, as Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” <John 8:32>, we can solve the problem of sin by believing in the truth of redemption in Jesus, that is, the gospel of water and the Spirit.

Now my faith is built upon the rock.

Previously, my faith was built on incorrect doctrinal foundations, but today, after learning the truth of the gospel of water and the Spirit through The New Life Mission, specifically through Pastor Paul C. Jong’s book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”, and through various materials about the gospel of water and the Spirit that The New Life Mission provided us for free, I feel fullness in my new life. Now my faith is undoubtedly built on a new foundation (the gospel of water and the Spirit), and I have gained confidence in the salvation that the Lord Jesus Christ gives us.

I would like to express my gratitude to The New Life Mission and their online homepage resources that helped me understand many important messages about the gospel of water and the Spirit, and guided and enlightened me to the truth.

I sincerely thank you, and pray that the Lord continues His ministry through all of us.

Hamid Leko, Cameroon

Why was Jesus baptized by John the Baptist, who was the last High Priest and the greatest among those born of women — that is, the representative of mankind?

The baptism of Jesus carries the same meaning as the laying on of hands in the Old Testament.

Just as in the Old Testament, the Israelites could be saved from their sins when the sacrificial offering received the laying on of hands and was killed, Jesus’ baptism is the ministry of salvation that takes away the sins of all believers by receiving all the sins of the world. And Jesus carried all those sins of the world and was killed on the cross.

This is the gospel of water and the Spirit.

The New Life Mission delivers the gospel of water and the Spirit more accurately and clearly than any other book in the world, according to the standard of the Word of the Bible.

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