The Right Faith We Must Have in the Last Days [Christian Testimony 10]
To my physical relatives and friends, as well as all lost souls, I hope and pray that you will quickly deny yourselves and accept the truth of the gospel of water and the Spirit preached by ‘The New Life Mission’, the only true Church of God, as we are now living in the last days.
How irreversibly sad would it be if you die carrying sin and guilt because you haven’t been born again of water and the Spirit, even though you claim to believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior?
If you truly choose to die in this state due to your ignorance of God’s Word of truth and your unbelief in the truth of the gospel of water and the Spirit (John 3:5), you are rejecting the ‘truth’ that can solve all your sin problems. This gospel truth is that Jesus took upon Himself all the sins of the world (both yours and mine) through the baptism He received from John, paid the price for all sins (both yours and mine) through His blood shed on the cross, and gives new life to those who sincerely believe in their hearts in His resurrection.
I hope that you will believe this truth exactly as it is strictly recorded in the Word of the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments.
If you want to be considered children of God, you must believe in this truth, and if you want to claim a true relationship with God, you must believe in your heart for your salvation in the baptism that Jesus Christ received from John the Baptist, His blood shed on the cross, and His resurrection.
Humble yourself and listen to the words of salvation of water and the Spirit.
If you stop either stubbornly rejecting the truth of water and the Spirit or failing to understand it due to ignorance, and believe it without doubt in your heart, you will come to know that this truth removes all sins from your heart, leaving no trace of sin. Do not despise the gospel truth of water and the Spirit without examining it carefully. Humble yourself and listen to the words of salvation of water and the Spirit. These words will give life to dead souls. I strongly recommend you visit The New Life Mission website, which delivers this truth of the gospel clearly and in detail according to the Bible, and download and read the free sermon book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” which is volume 1 of the series.
No matter how much wealth you possess, what fine food you eat, what good clothes you wear, or what grand and magnificent house you live in, none of these things can save you from your sins or guilt. What matters is being born again of water, blood, and the Spirit, and this alone is the true word of salvation. You must know yourself (Mark 7:21–23). You must acknowledge your true nature and accept that if you die in sin, you will surely go to hell.
Now is the time to seek God, who is the only Savior (Matthew 1:21).
You can find the true God by believing in the gospel truth of water and the Spirit — that is, Jesus’ baptism received from John (taking on all sins of the world), the blood He shed on the cross (paying the price for all sins), and His resurrection (receiving new life when you believe). Through this, you can become God’s righteous child who is perfect, made complete once and for all eternally (Hebrews 10:14). Hallelujah!
“For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” (Hebrews 10:14)
I hope that you will truly be born again of water and the Spirit.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
May God’s blessings be upon Pastor Paul C. Jong and all the saints of God’s Church!
Grace Mwansa,, Zambia (25, female)
This world is racing at full speed toward the last days.
In this last age where sin is prevalent, have you thought about what kind of faith would allow you to live a victorious life as God’s child without sin in your heart?
The New Life Mission is spreading the gospel of water and the Spirit through their website in languages from around the world, making it easy to understand based on the Bible’s words, through e-books, bilingual books, and audiobooks.
Through these sermon books, we hope you will live a victorious life as God’s child without sin in your heart in these last days.
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