If we are not born again, we can only go to hell [Christian Testimony 40]


If we are not born again, we can only go to hell. But when we are born again, our status changes from sinner to righteous.

Here is a testimony of a believer who was born again through faith after reading the sermon book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and Spirit?” by Pastor Paul C. Jong, servant of God from the New Life Mission.

Hello everyone, today I will testify about how I was truly born again through faith in water and the Spirit.

The first church I attended was an evangelical church.

There, they taught about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which manifested through speaking in tongues, and I too spoke in tongues. Later, I was appointed to the ministry of evangelism, preaching the word and teaching Bible studies.

I did fasts of repentance, fasts to cast out demons, and laid hands on people to cast out demons. Sometimes, things went very badly. Since the pastor who guided me said we were born again if we accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, I thought I was born again.

But although Jesus had erased all our sins, I had to continue repenting of my sins and I couldn’t stop sinning. Despite this, I conducted deliverance sessions, fasted, and prayed all night from 11 PM to 6 AM.

But I myself was tormented by demons and couldn’t take it anymore.

So I went to another church. The faithful there said they were very biblical, and it was true in some aspects, but something was confused. They too were not truly born again.

After that, I left the church and for 4 years, I stayed alone at home studying the word and reading the Bible. During this time, I did evangelistic ministry as an evangelist and baptized several people, but I realized that all of this was false.

I prayed because I had doubts about the fact that I continued to sin and couldn’t free myself from sin. I prayed:

“Lord, if there is a church of God on this earth, make it known to me.”

That’s when I discovered The New Life Mission website. In particular, I couldn’t stop reading Volume 1 of Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon series, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and Spirit?”

This book was a shock, but a good shock.

I was able to understand and believe in the gospel of water and the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and now I am no longer a sinner. For I learned that Jesus Christ took all our past, present, and future sins by receiving baptism from John the Baptist in the Jordan.

Moreover, the reason He paid the price of sin on the cross is that before that, Jesus had taken all our sins upon Himself by having them transferred to Him through His baptism.

My brothers and sisters, those who believe in His baptism have no more sin because our sins were transferred to Him through His baptism. This is something that wasn’t taught in the churches I attended before.

It is very important to believe in the gospel of water and the Spirit.

Jesus said that one must be born of water and Spirit to enter the kingdom of God. Through the Christian book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and Spirit?” by Pastor Paul C. Jong, servant of God, the gospel of water and the Spirit is explained in detail with the Word, thus guiding us toward the path of new birth by understanding this truth.

If we are not born again, we can only go to hell.

But when we are born again, our status changes from sinner to righteous. We who believe in the gospel of water and the Spirit are made righteous and holy. We no longer need to repent of all our sins. We just need to confess the sins committed through weakness and resolve them through faith in the gospel of water, blood, and Spirit of Jesus who erased all these sins.

For Jesus has already blotted out all the sins of the world.

My brothers and sisters, since the Lord has already erased all the sins of the world, how would we still need to ask for forgiveness? Now, I am free from the demons that were oppressing me and from false doctrines.

I am happy. For I have become truly righteous, a true Christian. I was able to be born again thanks to Pastor Paul C. Jong’s book. I will share more videos and testimonies of righteous brothers and sisters in Christ.

May God’s blessing be with you all.

— Marcel Bernova, France

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Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon books, which accurately expound God’s Word based on the Bible, are available as paperbacks on Amazon. If you would like to explore the content more deeply, you can purchase and own these books on Amazon through the link below.



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