
We are saved not by our works, but by believing in what Jesus did to save us [Christian Testimony 28]

  I give thanks and praise to the Lord who saved me from all sins and made me born again. The only way mankind can reciprocate the love of its Creator is by believing in the name of Jesus Christ, who is God’s only begotten Son and our Savior. Thus, far from being justified by our own works, we come to know what a grateful being Jesus Christ, our Creator and Savior is, by having faith in the work that He executed to save us from sin. The Creator has created us anew spiritually by giving us the truth of Christ’s baptism, bloodshed, and resurrection, and by granting newness of life in Christ to those who believe. Thus, whoever is in Christ is a new creature by virtue of the true faith which admits the sinful nature of mankind and accepts with gratitude the righteousness of God fulfilled by Christ, which is the gospel of water and the Spirit. We cannot stop thanking God for His mercies which endure forever. A grateful heart is the faith that acknowledges one’s fundamental sin whose end...

“Water is an antitype which now saves us — baptism.” (1 Peter 3:21). We must understand the meaning of Jesus’ baptism that eliminated all our worldly sins once and for all [Christian Testimony 27]

  The baptism of Jesus is the antitype of our salvation, and thanks to Jesus’ baptism and His death on the Cross, our sins have been erased. Since I have known this gospel of the water, blood, and the Spirit, I am now without sin. Also, regarding my daily and future sins, since all my sins have already been removed, I no longer need to find another way to solve my daily sins. However, whenever I commit sins due to my shortcomings, I confess those sins and resolve them through faith in the fact that Jesus Christ has already eliminated all sins through His baptism and the blood of the Cross. Yes, I had sins before believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Every time I sinned, my heart felt heavy, and although I asked God for forgiveness, the sin just remained in my heart because my faith was incomplete as it omitted baptism. However, now I understand and believe why Jesus had to be baptized, and since then, my conscience has been delivered from sin. My faith before and aft...

In these last days, I hope you will be born again through the knowledge of knowing God and live an overcoming life in this world. [Christian Testimony 26]

My faith regarding Jesus’s baptism and death on the Cross is that Jesus, as the spotless Lamb, received baptism to bear humanity’s sins, and after being baptized, He paid the price for those sins on the Cross of Calvary, thus saving us from all sins of this world. Through this, I believe that He fulfilled the perfect true gospel of Christ from baptism to the blood of the Cross and resurrection. Therefore, I am without sin because Jesus took away my sins through His baptism and established a new covenant with His blood on the Cross. From now on, I can solve the problem of daily and future sins by remaining in Christ through faith in this gospel of water and the Spirit. Previously, I thought I was saved by believing in the blood of Jesus’s Cross. However, before encountering the gospel of water and the Spirit, I still had sin in my heart. Then, through the evangelistic book titled “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” by Pastor Paul C. Jong of The New Life Mission, I...

The baptism of Jesus was a ministry of salvation to bear the sins of humanity. [Christian Testimony 25]

  The baptism of Jesus was a ministry of salvation to bear the sins of humanity (Mattew 3:13–17). Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. And John tried to prevent Him, saying, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him. When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Mattew 3:13–17) This symbolizes how Jesus saved us from all sins by bearing the sins of the world upon Himself. Jesus’s death on the cross eliminated all sins of humanity by paying the price for them. In doing so, He actually fulfilled the old testament sacrifices and prophecies. Jesus receiv...

People are born with fundamental sin in their hearts and are destined for hell. Then what should we do? [Christian Testimony 24]

A servant of God explained very well about how all people are born as sinners and how to solve the problem of sin, and he gave me two books by Pastor Paul C. Jong, including “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” from The New Life Mission , so that I could confirm it along with the Word of the Bible. Before meeting this gospel of salvation, I didn’t know the importance of John the Baptist in the Bible and the role he played in the salvation of mankind. I was raised with the thought that people would only be saved by the Mercy of God and by doing good things for people like helping, sharing, and all such kinds of things, not knowing that people are born with original sin and they can never do anything good for anyone. It was even worse that I didn’t know the 12 kinds of sins with which human beings are born. I was gathering at a Catholic Church where they said that a person becomes a saint only when he dies defending the Lord — to them there’s no living saint, so it ...

We must realize how foolish it is to try hard to keep God’s Law to get to heaven. The more we try, the more difficult it becomes. [Christian Testimony 23]

  I believe that Jesus Christ took all my sins and those of the whole world through His baptism, which He received according to the sacrificial law of the Old Testament from John the Baptist, who was recorded in the Bible as the greatest among those born of women and who was humanity’s representative and the last High Priest. And because He bore our sins, He had to die on the cross to pay the price in our place, since the wages of sin is death. Through this faith, I am without sin, righteous and holy before God. Now my heart has obtained freedom from sin by believing in the law of salvation that the Lord has given. And regarding the sins I commit in the future due to my weakness and wickedness, I resolve them by believing that Jesus Christ, who is God, has already taken all my sins (past, present, and future) through His baptism and eliminated them all through His blood on the cross and resurrection. Now my heart has obtained freedom from sin by believing in the law of salvation th...

Believing Only in the Blood of Jesus’ Redemptive Work is to Possess Just Half of True Faith [Christian Testimony 22]

  Both Jesus’ baptism and His death on the Cross are part of God’s complete plan of salvation. Baptism is the act by which Jesus took our sins upon Himself, and His blood on the cross is what He paid as the price for those sins. To be “born again of water and the Spirit,” it is essential to believe in both. Therefore, through faith in Jesus’ work accomplished through His baptism and blood, I am without sin, and after being born again, believers have no more sin in God’s eyes. And the problem of my daily and future sins can be solved by believing with gratitude that Jesus has already removed them through His baptism and the cross. Although we are weak and commit sins, I believe my salvation is already guaranteed through faith in Jesus’ work of salvation. I had sin in my heart before believing in the Gospel of water and the Spirit. Even though I believed in Jesus Christ, it was not enough for complete remission of sins because I neither understood nor accepted the meaning of baptism ...

Who goes to hell? Those with sin in their hearts for not believing in Jesus Christ as God, His baptism, and His blood on the cross [Christian Testimony 21]

  This testimony shares the spiritual understanding and faith in the gospel of water and the Spirit through the Bible and Pastor Paul C. Jong’s Christian book “Have you Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” — Volume 1 of his sermon series.

The Exact Knowledge of God’s Word Will Save You [Christian Testimony 20]

  In reality, before encountering this beautiful gospel of water and the Spirit, I was an evangelist and I had to be second to a prophet. My faith was based only on the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross, and therefore, I was not delivered from my sins. I repented every day and always sought peace, but I was in pain because of my sins. Then the Lord met me through the book “Have you Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” — Volume 1 of the sermon series by Pastor Paul C. Jong. Have you Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit? by Paul C. Jong He eliminated all my sins from His side. Now I have come to know and believe the truth that Jesus Christ received His baptism from John the Baptist — whom He testified as the greatest among those born of women and who represents all mankind — and through this baptism He took all my past, present, and future sins. He was judged and died on the cross to pay for all those sins, and through His resurrection, He eliminated all ...

Despite Believing in Jesus, My Sins Still Remained in My Heart [Christian Testimony 19]

  Jesus’ baptism is where He takes all the sins of the world when He is baptized by John (Matthew 3:15), and His death on the cross is where He is judged for the sins of the world by shedding His precious blood. But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him. I am without sin not because of works but only because of Jesus’ righteousness. I believe He blotted out all my lifetime sins through His baptism, death, and resurrection. We, as human beings, commit sins from the very moment we are born until we die. This is due to our fundamental nature. I acknowledge my sinful nature and confess even the smallest sins, and I have been able to solve the problem of my daily and future sins by believing in the truth that Jesus took these sins when He was baptized by John the Baptist, paid the price on the Cross, and was resurrected. Before believing in the gospel of water and Spirit, though I believ...