In the last days, the faith we must have to be victorious is to believe that Jesus is God and in the work of salvation He performed. [Christian Testimony 33]


You and I must believe that Jesus is God, our Creator, our Savior, and our Shepherd.

Jesus was this great God who created the universe and everything in it by His word, yet He obeyed God the Father’s will, clothed Himself in human flesh and came to this earth for the salvation of His people.

When He reached the age of 30 for His public ministry, He received baptism from John the Baptist, taking all the sins of the world upon Himself, and after preaching the gospel for 3 years, He shed His blood on the cross to eliminate all the sins of the world. In this way, He saved all sinners from all their sins and rose from the dead by the power of God. The Lord has shown us everything about His righteous work through the written Word.

You and I must believe that Jesus is God, our Creator, our Savior, and our Shepherd.

The Lord tells us to know and believe that He Himself is the Lord of eternal blessings. He tells us and all humanity to believe that Jesus came to this earth as God and became our Savior who saved us from all sins through His baptism and the cross.

We must believe that everything Jesus Christ did on earth was meaningful, joyful, and precious.

He was truly God by origin and saved us from sin. He came down to this earth in human flesh to bear all our sins, received baptism from John the Baptist, and died on the cross. This is the gospel of water and the Spirit, and this gospel of water and the Spirit is the only way we can be saved.

The Lord God has saved you and me from sin and delivered us from eternal judgment and destruction.

He has blessed us through the water (baptism) and blood that He performed. Jesus, who is God and without original sin, has made us children of God by saving us from all sins through water and blood as planned from before the creation of the world. This was possible because He is God. If He was not God, then He would be just one of many people who do such virtuous things.

Steven Lungu, Zambia

Jesus is fundamentally God.

Jesus came to this earth as the Lamb of God in obedience to the will of God the Father to save all sinners in the world. And in accordance with the sacrificial law of the Old Testament, at the age of 30, He had all sins of the world imputed to Him through baptism, which was like the laying on of hands, from John the Baptist who was the representative of mankind and the last High Priest.

Just as the sacrificial animal in the Old Testament, which received all sins through the laying on of hands, had to be killed and shed blood, Jesus, having taken on all the sins of the world through baptism, went to the cross bearing all these sins and died shedding His blood, thereby eliminating all the sins of all people in the world.

This is God’s wisdom and His infinite love towards us.

“Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?”, the first book in the evangelism series by Rev. Paul C. Jong of The New Life Mission, reveals how God fulfilled His perfect love through His righteous and perfect plan for humanity from before the creation of the world. It also guides those who hear to the path of being reborn as holy children of God by detailing, according to the Bible, what kind of faith we, who are masses of sin born with sin and cannot help but sin until death, must have to achieve complete salvation.

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