
Which Came First: Faith in God's Righteousness or the Law? [Bible Study 2]

  Before giving the Law, God first gave the righteousness of faith to become children of God through faith.  As recorded in Genesis, Adam and Eve, Abel, Seth and Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his descendants were justified by faith in God’s Word without the Law. Genesis 15:6 “And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.” However, during their 400 years of slavery in Egypt, the Israelites lost this righteousness of faith and lost God. Therefore, God gave the Law through Moses to let them know that God exists, and to make them realize their sins and return to the holy God. And He gave the sacrificial system to the Israelites who were under the curse of the Law (in sin) so that they could receive redemption through the atonement of sins. Looking at the sacrificial offerings that God established in the Old Testament: 1. There were sin offerings offered by individuals 2. There was the Great Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) once a year to atone fo...

Baptism That Save Us Through Jesus' Baptism Among Three Types of Baptisms Recorded in the Bible [ Bible Study 1]

  The Meaning of Three Types of Baptisms Recorded in the Bible There are three types of baptisms in the Bible: John the Baptist’s baptism for repentance, Jesus’ baptism from John the Baptist, and the water baptism received by believers. 1. Jesus’ Baptism from John the Baptist First, the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist in the Jordan River was, just as sins were imputed to sacrificial offerings through laying on of hands in the Old Testament, a baptism He received as the Lamb of God to have all the sins of humanity imputed to Him. This was the beginning of God’s just plan of salvation, and through baptism, Jesus took upon Himself all the sins of the world in a just manner through imputation. ‘But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him. When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit ...

As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103) [Christian Testimony 35]

  Now I believe in Jesus’ baptism. I am free and happy.  Jesus was baptized to take away all our sins — that is, all our past, present, and future sins. Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb who took away all our sins. In the Old Testament, they had to sacrifice an animal every time they sinned. But now we just have to believe in Him who saved us from all sins through His baptism in the Jordan River where He received all the sins of the world from John the Baptist, and through His death on the cross where He shed His blood as the price of sin, and through His resurrection. Therefore, I have no sin because I believe in this gospel of the water and the Spirit. Because Jesus took away my past and future sins through His baptism, death, and resurrection. I cannot solve my sins through my own works. I believe that Jesus’ baptism took away all my sins. All my past, present, and future sins were washed away by Jesus’ baptism, death, and resurrection. And I solve my continuing trespasses and...

Do you know the reason why Jesus had to be baptized by John the Baptist? [Christian Testimony 34]

  The baptism of Jesus symbolizes the transfer of sins to the spotless and flawless Lamb. Therefore, by believing in this Word that all sins were transferred to Jesus, I am eternally without sin, and all my past, present, and future sins have been eliminated once and for all through the gospel of water and the Spirit. I was a sinner before believing in the gospel of water and the Spirit because although I believed in Jesus, I did not know that He took away and eliminated all my sins through His baptism by water. However, God led me to encounter the free evangelistic book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” by Rev. Paul C. Jong of The New Life Mission. Through this book, I understood all these Words — why Jesus, who is God, had to be baptized and why He was called ‘The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29)’ — and received the blessing of being born again through faith. “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ....

In the last days, the faith we must have to be victorious is to believe that Jesus is God and in the work of salvation He performed. [Christian Testimony 33]

  Jesus was this great God who created the universe and everything in it by His word, yet He obeyed God the Father’s will, clothed Himself in human flesh and came to this earth for the salvation of His people. When He reached the age of 30 for His public ministry, He received baptism from John the Baptist, taking all the sins of the world upon Himself, and after preaching the gospel for 3 years, He shed His blood on the cross to eliminate all the sins of the world. In this way, He saved all sinners from all their sins and rose from the dead by the power of God. The Lord has shown us everything about His righteous work through the written Word. You and I must believe that Jesus is God, our Creator, our Savior, and our Shepherd. The Lord tells us to know and believe that He Himself is the Lord of eternal blessings. He tells us and all humanity to believe that Jesus came to this earth as God and became our Savior who saved us from all sins through His baptism and the cross. We must be...

The Original Gospel that the Apostles of the Early Church Believed In [Christian Testimony 32]

  My review of Rev. Paul C. Jong’s “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” (Book 1 in the series): In an era where Christianity has degenerated into mere religion, this book preaches the gospel of water (Jesus’ baptism) and the Spirit as believed and proclaimed by the apostles and disciples of Jesus in the early church. Just as a sacrifice without laying on of hands was invalid in the Old Testament, believing only in the blood of Jesus on the cross without His baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River as the Lamb of God who came in the New Testament is unlawful and an incomplete faith. Therefore, this book demands genuine faith in Jesus Christ, who is fundamentally God, who came in human flesh and saves everyone through His water baptism, the blood He shed on the cross, and the Spirit. What sin is and the purpose of the Law. The book begins by stating that all humans are born sinners destined for hell, with sin in their hearts from conception as descendants...

The Only Way to Heaven is Through Faith in Jesus Christ Who Came by Water, Blood, and the Spirit [Christian Testimony 31]

Jesus was baptized to take away all the sins of the world, and He had to die on the cross, shedding His blood to pay the price for all sins that were transferred to Him through His baptism. Therefore, I have no sin in my heart because I believe in the baptism and blood of our Lord Jesus who is 100% God. The problem of daily sins and future sins that we commit due to our weakness can be solved by our faith in confessing our sins before God and believing that Jesus came to this world, already took away all our sins through His baptism, and eliminated them all by shedding His blood on the cross. Before believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the sins in my heart kept tormenting me, and I lived in fear of going to hell if I died. Although I believed in Jesus, I had sin before I encountered Pastor Jong’s sermon book “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” , before I believed in the true gospel of the water and the Spirit. Back then, I didn’t understand the me...

You need to know what faith to have before God to receive a clean and sinless conscience! [Christian Testimony 30]

  “There is also an antitype which now saves us — baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” <1 Peter 3> Believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit can approach God with a clean conscience free from sin. Isn’t this truly what both God and we want? Like many others, I wanted to stand before God with a pure conscience as a human being, but I didn’t know how until now. One day, I came across a pink book titled “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” by Rev. Paul C. Jong. At first, I was reluctant to read it, thinking it dangerous to read anything other than the Bible. But to make my long story short, I ended up reading Rev. Paul C. Jong’s book. And as the rest is known to all, truly, this book was the story of Jesus Christ! This free Christian book explained in detail, along with the Bible verses, everything I needed to know about my fundamental self a...

I Was Born with 12 Kinds of Sins and My Fundamental Nature Could Not Help But Sin, Thus I Was Destined for Hell. [Christian Testimony 29]

  thank God for letting me know about salvation through Jesus’ baptism, death, and resurrection through Pastor Paul C. Jong’s Book 1, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” O Lord, O Lord, how excellent is your name that is above all names. Through the power of Jesus’ name, we have obtained a sinless eternal new life. Yes. Lord, through your righteous act of baptism which you received from John the Baptist to bear all the sins of the world, and through your death on the Cross shedding your blood to pay the wages of all the world’s sins you took through baptism, and through your resurrection, we have obtained eternal new life, that is, a life without sin. What are we as human beings? We are born as corrupted sinners with 12 kinds of sins in our hearts, and therefore our destiny is to go to hell without any resistance. O Lord, if you call us sinners we are definitely sinners, and if you call us righteous, then we are certainly righteous. O Lord our God, how can we ...