How Is All the Righteousness of God Fulfilled? - Through Jesus' Baptism [Christian Sermons 2]
The following Word is excerpted and summarized from Volume 1 of The New Life Mission’s Pastor Paul C. Jong’s sermon book, “Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?” If you want to hear more of God’s Word, please visit The New Life Mission homepage where you can download free eBooks and audiobooks translated into many world languages. Matthew 3:15 “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” In the Old Testament, God gave the Law of atonement sacrifice according to the Old Testament Law to atone for the sins of the Israelites for one year at once. According to this, a high priest representing Israel was needed, a s acrificial offering was needed to take upon itself the sins of all the people of Israel by laying on of hands , and the sacrificial offering that bore all the sins of Israel through laying on of hands had to be killed as the price for those sins. Thus, all the sins of the Israelites for one year were atoned for a...